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How to Augment youTube video links?

Instructions for Contributors

  1. Log in to
  2. Get next video within the editor panel
  3. Open video in new window
  4. Artiste, Producer and Genre information – Collect information –
    1. Create profile for Artiste or Producer, if one does not exist in the drop down menu
    2. If profile exists, but errors/ discrepancies are found then
      1. Add a comment with the new information for Moderator attention
  5. Song title – Collect information –
    1. Each artiste on the track must be assigned to the video.
      1. Create profiles for Artiste and/or Producers as suggested above.
      2. Ensure the main artiste is highlighted.
    2. Remove artiste name and any extra text within the title of the song.  Eg. year, genre etc
  6. Save video. All data entered will then be associated with the video.